Helping Healthy Communities Grow
Twin Valley
Upper Cervical Chiropractic

Health: A Simple Concept
Your body and all of its organs are controlled by the nervous system. These nerves run from your brain, down the spinal cord and innervate all your organs including the heart, lungs and even your skin. As these nerves exit the brain they pass through a conduit called the foramen magnum at the base of your skull. This critical conduit plays an important roll in your health.
Everyday acts of living, whether they be physical stress, chemical exposure or emotional stress, can affect your health. These stressors can cause the foramen magnum & the upper cervical vertebrae to become misaligned. This misalignment puts direct pressure on the vital "brainstem" connection of the spinal cord. Pressure, also know as interference, affects the bodies ability to control and coordinate all bodily functions.
Upper Cervical care can be applied to many health concerns. The upper cervical spine includes the base of the skull and runs down to the third cervical vertebrae. This area is home to the first and second vertebrae (or bones) known as the Atlas and Axis. These two vertebrae are the most freely movable bones of the spine and they provide protection for the lower Brainstem. The Brainstem is a vital nerve connection between the brain and the body and includes the medulla, pons, midbrain, cranial nerves and supportive arteries & veins.
The Atlas & Axis are fundamental components of a healthy nerve system. Upper Cervical Care improves health by addressing misalignment's of the Atlas & Axis. Conditions that respond include; Headaches, Head & Neck pains, ADD/ADHD. Parkinsons, visual disturbances, pain disorders, cervicogenic hearing loss, digestive issues, the list goes on.
If you or someone you know is suffering and have been unsuccessful finding results, contact our office.